In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice;
In the morning I will prepare (a prayer and a sacrifice) for you and watch and wait (for you to speak to my heart.) – Psalm 5:3 (AMP)

I’m starting over. Again. It is way too easy for my priorities to fade away, to keep getting pushed further away until they are but a resemblance of what I once knew.  Lord, I need you to speak to my heart.

I have been a pseudo happy, lacking the joy that I know can only be found in you.
I have been living moment by moment, hoping that my morning coffee and my daily verse can get me through another day of the grind of life. But it can’t. It’s not enough.

Every single morning, I need you first.

Have I set time aside, prioritizing us? You and me.
Have I awoken with an aching desire to be with you; to speak with you and lay before you my cares and affections?
Have I offered a sacrifice of my precious time, a devoted moment where there are no distractions?
Have I watched and waited, for your voice? Have I eagerly paused for you to speak to my heart?

When is it your turn?

You cannot be replaced. Your words cannot be matched by the mumbling of the world.

But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.”- Psalm 59:16

That is why, each morning, I need you. It’s refreshing, it’s a new aspect of you that I’m learning, because you are so exquisite.

Exquisite- of special beauty or charm, or rare and appealing excellence.

I need you to be my one and only. My first and my last.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, their faces shall never be ashamed.”- Psalm 34:4-5

When I try to be beautiful on my own, I fail.
When I try to be radiant on my own, it doesn’t last.
I cannot be the wife, mom, business owner, and friend that I desire to be on my own.

I can surely try, but it leaves me exhausted.

What is the quality am I giving out if what is inside of me is lacking?

It’s His peace that transcends understanding, it’s the Joy found in him, it’s love deeply rooted.

If I have those things, if I have Jesus, alive and active in me (not living off of an old word and a stagnant relationship) then I will be radiant, because He will shine through me.

And that’s exactly what I need; Less of me and more of Him.

Make time this week to sit and pour out your heart before Him. Wait and see what He speaks to your heart. Write it down, dwell on it, and begin to live it out. 


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