“Courage, dear heart.” – C.S Lewis

Maybe an immense trial is raging like a fire throughout a parched land, a land once called peace and surety. 

Perhaps the weight of a life-altering decision lies heavily upon your two fragile, shaky palms.  

Even when the right choice is known, it can be extemely difficult to make. For once a decision is made, it cannot be undone. The permancy of a choice leaves a feeling of vulnerability and the lingering question of, “what if?” 

That is when courage is needed, it is vital for moving forward.

Courage is the force that enables us to take the first step and that first step creates momentum to keep going. 

The path is taken one step at a time, remember that. 

We don’t have to know the big picture. We don’t have to know the exact directions down the road. We only need courage to help us take that initial step and for our little feet to follow along after that. 

Everything will come together in time, it doesn’t all happen at once. It doesn’t need to work that way. Take it day by day, step by step, brick by brick. The road was never meant to be easy or to be well mapped out before deciding to bear through the journey. 

It was meant to be faced with courage of heart, conviction of the soul, and with a deep trust in the one who is paving the way. 

It’s courage that got me in and its courage that will lead me through. 

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