Is The Value of Their Soul Worth My Pride?

Is the value of their soul worth the laying down of my pride?

Jesus wasn’t worried about what people thought about him or even what they accused him of.

He only cared about binding the wounds of the broken hearts and shattered souls.

He feasted with the hungry and gave of himself to the lonely. He spent precious time of his earthly life among sinners and outcasts because he knew that’s where he was needed most.

Aren’t we called to be like God and to live in the way that he lived? If he came to give his time, his life and his reputation to the sick and the sinner, then how should we give our lives?

He was not embarrassed to be seen with, and to recline with many tax collectors and sinners. Therefore, we should not be embarrassed of those who we are called to lay down our pride for.

For me, it is my children, they have embarrassed me more than I could dream up.  They need love, they need affection, they need stability and they need parents who will take them as they are and fight for their needs. Is the value of their lives and their souls worth the laying down of my pride? Yes it is. A million times over, yes! They have caused me embarrassment (what kids don’t?), but more than that they have brought me joy and taught me what truly matters in life.

On many occasions, I have wished I could wear a shirt that says “they are foster children” so people wouldn’t judge me and blame me for their misbehavior. There have been too many times I’ve almost been kicked out of Hobby Lobby or been given dirty looks by people who can’t believe how “bad” of a parent I am.

It is incredibly ugly that my heart and pride would think that, but it’s the truth and I still must fight my pride each day.
I constantly have to remind myself to follow the example of Jesus.

He embraced those whom the world rejected. When questioned about those he placed around him, he didn’t make excuses, he spoke from a place of wisdom and authority.

“But when he heard it, he said, “ Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:12)

He heard what others were saying, yet Jesus knew the cost of his reputation was worth the saving of the needy. He loved him with a love that covered over insignificant things like what others thought about him.

Lord forgive me for every time I was more concerned about the thought others have had about my  parenting than what I knew my children needed from me. I am sorry that I was embarrassed, when I should have been honored.  I never need my pride anyway, so it is a double-blessing what you have done in my life. I pray that as you take what I never needed, and trade it for something meaningful that I would see what truly matters and live out of that place. May my actions and thoughts reflect yours, God. Thank you for the blessings of my children, for they have taught me many lessons and have showed me how to truly love as you do.

Where is your feasting table? Who are your people? Go and love them well. 

A Prayer for the Broken

I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. Again I will build you, and you shall be built.

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31:3-4‬

If you are in a season of brokenness, pray this prayer. Let it be the raw beginning of your healing process. Let the Lord begin to build you again.  ‭

Dear Lord, thank you for being a God of restoration.

You are a Father who draws us to yourself, a perfect God who is slow to anger and abounding in love. (Psalm 103:8)

I live in a very broken world, full of real hurts and seasons of loneliness.

Lord, as I surrender my brokenness to you, would you meet me where I am and clothe me with your affections.

It is in your Perfect love that all fear is cast out. (1 John 4:18)

You declare, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” (Jeremiah. 31:3)

This is not a love that must be earned. I do not have to be “good enough” for you to bestow your love and acceptance upon me. You love me because I am yours. You love me because I am apart of you, crafted in your image. You call me beloved child. You are a father to the fatherless, a savior to the sinner, a comforter to the brokenhearted, you are a lover to the unloved, and you are hope to the hopeless.

You are the source of all restoration, the only hope for humanity.

Daddy, I surrender to you humbly, yet boldly.Deliver me from my fears; heal my deep wounds, restore my joy, cover me in your peace, and be exactly what I need.

You are just that, the only one I need.

Here is my brokenness. I place it at your feet, oh Lord.  It is messy, but honest.

Thank you for your perfect, healing, cleansing love; your everlasting love.

Dreaming of our prince Parker

Our sweet baby boy is almost two months old now (what?!), but before we met him, we were eagerly anticipating his arrival. I’m blessed to be a momma, but also to be Brady Joel’s wife. For without my handsome Brady, Parker would not be. 

Parkerspiritual light 

Joelmessenger of God 

The importance of a name dwells deep into a soul. It’s the essence of who we are. It’s what we are called, everyday by everyone. Words are powerful- God created the magnificent heaven and earth with only his words. In the same way, names are powerful- creating our identity and even our personalities. This I believe. Remember who you are and live it boldly. 

Kimberly Ann 

Photo credit: Blaise Clark 

Walking Through The Wilderness

He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never known, to humble and test you so that in the end it might go well with you. – Deuteronomy 8:16


Even though my journey hasn’t always been sunshine and sunflowers, the hand of God can not be denied if you knew all of the little stories that make up the big picture of my life.

If you really knew me, you would know that I have experienced bitter heartbreak and shattered dreams. You would also know that my journey never ends there.

The wilderness has taught me to sing through the tears and praise through the pain.


Ann Voskamp says it beautifully, “Lord God, Maker of all, when you give manna moments, may I give you thanks for the mystery. Because the manna that makes no sense- You will make it my sustenance. In all of the “What is it?” moments, turn me to give thanks for who you are.”

Manna literally translates into ” What is it?”

I think about manna often, the “What is it?” of life. The daily miracle that abounded in the midst of the wilderness. This daily miracle provided nourishment in the place of uncertainty and unfamiliarity. Yet in Dueteronomy 8:16, it says, (manna) was given to humble and test them. I’ve found that this humility brings me to my knees, crying out to God. This is the time when I’ve felt closest to Him, when I had nothing else, no one else, but God alone.

It’s in the testing that He’s looking at the heart.

Will you curse Him in the wilderness or will you lift your weary hands in thanksgiving each day because He is faithful?


I’m thankful that I’m not the author of my own story.

I’m thankful that the places where I’ve tried to throw ink on the page, but couldn’t see where it should go, He took my mess and turned it into something much better. When the story started to turn out a way I didn’t want it to go, He saw the lines I couldn’t yet read. He provided the manna to sustain my soul when I was hopelessly wandering in the emptiness of the great unknown. I’m thankful that through the deepest heart breaks and disappointments, He gently led me, held me and sustained me.

He knew the road wouldn’t be easy, but it would be necessary. That it would feel lonely, but that He was all that I needed.

When there was nothing left to cling to, I could see what truly mattered. It was the only thing left standing when all else crumbled around me.

It was You, it is You. it will always be You. The great sustainer, the only one who will never disappoint, who heals shattered lives and makes them stronger. You are the Great I Am, You are peace when fear is knocking. You are the voice saying “don’t give up” when all else is demanding it. You walk me through the wilderness of life, no matter how many times it seems I end up there. Every time it doesn’t exactly get easier, but I do know that the manna will come everyday. I’ve learned that you know the ending, so I take the hand you offer me. I take it and trust that even when the valley is dark, the light always shines in the morning. In the darkness, there’s no need to fear, for You are with me and You go before me.  (Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 139:5)

 psalm 139:5

How I instantly became a mom of three

Have you ever felt stuck in a season where not a lot was going on?

That’s how I had been feeling and it was ridiculously hard. I kept waiting for what was next and I felt like I was meant to do so much more, but yet I did nothing of importance.

Almost a year ago I quit my job.  It was an amazing job, but I just felt as if it was what I needed to do to prepare for the future. My husband also quit his job, took a part time job and started pursuing Real Estate. The transition was rough, but little did we know what exactly we were preparing for.

liette life

Kimberly is wearing the ‘Courage’ Key Necklace from The Giving Keys.

I was starting to get depressed because I’ve always been a social butterfly and now I was working from home with no one around. It was boring, lonely and felt like such a waste of time.

Eventually, Brady bought me the cutest puppy and that helped a little having a friend around. It was also annoying because I had to keep cleaning up after him, if you know what I mean. I left Harlow (our puppy) for the first time when we went on vacation to see Brady’s family and I missed him so much.

When we returned from that vacation, we weren’t prepared to face what was about to happen.

Harlow Liette

Not only did Harlow seem to have grown so much, but our family was about to grow at a much quicker rate then we ever planned.

We got a text asking us if we knew of a home for three sisters, not realizing that this person had a specific home in mind: ours. When they did make that clear, we knew what the answer was. They did not pressure us at all, just thought it would be a good fit. Though it didn’t seem plausible, we said yes and opened our home to three of the most amazing little girls in the world.

With only a two bedroom condo, one car, and a very humble salary, our little home was filled with giggles and tutus.

Tutu 2

We may have been in shock for a few weeks or more trying to adjust to this totally new life, but every worry and every need we had was met by an incredible God and those who were obedient to be His hands and feet to our family.

He is the One who makes the impossible things come to pass at the perfect timing. When we said “Yes” to opening our home, we knew that without God it wasn’t going to work. Yet, we took that huge step of faith and He never let us down.

Not only that, but the past seven months before when I was transitioning into being a stay at home wife and had no idea why, God knew the answer was three precious sisters who needed us, and that we needed them.

Never underestimate that transitional period of your life when you feel as if nothing much is going on. You might just be around the corner from the biggest miracle you’ll ever encounter. When that big thing shows up on your front door one day and you see it as impossible, remember that if God calls you to it, He will make a way for it to happen.


I was absolutely terrified when that “yes” left my mouth (actually my thumbs since I was texting). I cried for a week when those girls came into my home because I instantly became a mom of three with no prior experience, and I still get nervous that I am not being the best mom I can be. Yet, no matter how uncertain I might be sometimes, the obedience of saying yes is worth it. I wouldn’t change a thing in the world if it meant not having these girls in our home right now.

I don’t know what the future holds, but today is what matters.

I just need to give my very best today. When tomorrow comes, I simply need to do the same thing.

Be courageous and do whatever it is you know you’re meant to do, even if it totally scares you, because once you say yes, you’ll see the miracles and you’ll look back and know it was so worth it.

beach happy

Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9




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