The Story of Liberty

Happy ONE MONTH to our Dream Come True, Liberty Ann.

Liberty means freedom and her nickname, Libbie means Promised of God !

This is significant to me because Brady and I didn’t know that when we chose her name!

Before I knew I was pregnant, I was reading the story of Elizabeth and Mary and the verse came up, “ Blessed is she who believes the Lord will fulfill his promise to her.” (Luke 1:45) 

That verse made my spirit jump and I started dreaming of having a little girl for the first time in years. (Hello, Pinterest board) 

If you don’t know this part of my story, about 6 years ago I was pregnant for the first time. Brady & I purchased nursery furniture from a neighbor and it came with the most beautiful girl bedding and decorations. We set it all up in baby’s nursery. 

From there, I started dreaming of having a baby girl. I found out that I had miscarried her at 12 weeks when we went into hear the heartbeat and it couldn’t be found.

That was one of the most heart wrenching moments and seasons of my life.

The pain of losing a child, no matter how or how early on, is an extremely painful loss. 

Fast forward, I got pregnant again and that sweet baby was miscarried also. I was overwhelmed with loneliness and depression after that, not knowing if I’d ever be able to have a baby.

When I very least expected it (We has just begun looking into infertility testing, got a dog and started fostering three sisters), I found out that I pregnant with Parker, our rainbow baby boy. 

I’m so thankful for him, our ‘light‘. Having a son is such a gift. He takes after Brady in his looks, but after me in his personality. (That will be fun in the future.)

And Liberty is the sweet baby girl I had imagined holding in my arms that I hadn’t yet been able to do.

Her ‘coming home’ outfit was something I received at my first baby shower all those years ago. 

Putting it on her was the fulfillment of a dream I’ve been waiting for. It wasn’t anything special except that it was special because I held onto it.

Dear friend, I don’t know what or who you’ve lost. I don’t know the dreams in your heart that you aren’t sure will ever come true. But I encourage you to hold onto that dream! You never know when it might come to pass. Believe in that miracle because absolutely nothing is impossible for God. 

 I haven’t walked in your shoes and I don’t know your pain, but I do know that our stories often look much differently than we plan and expect. Our miracles sometimes come in different packages and timeframes. 

We may never know the answers to our deepest questions, but I know that He’s near to the broken-hearted and that there are dreams that do come true. 


Purple Flowers

It had been a few days since my husband bought me these purple flowers. He brought them home, cut the ends, put them in a vase with water and displayed them for my enjoyment.

They have been sitting on my table, causing smiles when I catch a glimpse throughout the day.

Yesterday I was tidying up the house and I had to think twice about the flowers. They appeared to be fine, but after examination, they were starting to smell and the leaves on the stem, to wither.

So, I picked them up, washed out the vase and added fresh water. I cut the stems and picked off the dead leaves so that the flowers were healthy and had everything they needed.

I realized that the flowers had been trying to survive off of old water.

Though, at a glance, they appeared healthy, they were slowly drying up.

After I pruned the flowers and displayed them back on my table, the Lord immediately began speaking to my heart.

This is what it is like when we try and run our lives on old water.

We are slowly drying up. We may appeared to be okay, but are there parts of our lives that are starting to get a stench? Do we need our stems cut so that we can soak up the water easily again?

Getting our leaves pulled off and our stems cut may be difficult for us, but it is necessary if we are to be living connected to the water, our source of spiritual life.

We cannot thrive on stagnant waters, only attempt to survive.

When we remain connected to the water, immersed in it, and it is being renewed daily, then we don’t need to do the extra things to be pruned.

When there are parts of my life that start to stink, I have to take notice that I’m trying to live off of murky water.

How sweet is the fresh, living water! It is a noticeable fragrance that exudes when our spirit is daily renewed in the showers of the Word and prayer.

Take a moment to examine yourself: Are you feeling like you are lacking spiritual refreshing and parts of your life are thirsty? Get immersed in Christ and do it daily.

Lord, Let me be nourished by a water that is pure and new, life giving and sustaining. Help me to daily connect with you and be renewed by your Word, that is living and active. Help me to choose to spend time speaking to you and listening for your voice. I do not want the stench of the world, but to exude the sweet fragrance that comes from being with you.

Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me. – John 15:4 (AMP)


Grow Where You Are Planted

“Take root, my darling”, He whispers in the silence.

It’s all too simple to desire other-ness, that which is other than where we are or what we are doing.

Sometimes I feel stuck or that I’m not where I think I belong.

However, I believe that God plants us in places that He sees fit.

He knows the whole picture, we are just the creation. So, this morning, as I spent time with my creator, He urged:

“Take root, my darling.”

He uses the soil to grow us and the environment to allow us to bloom.

But we must be grounded, planted, and rooted in the place that He has us right now.

We must know that He is trying to grow us in all the right ways, even if we can’t see it.

There is no growth for a flower that is not planted.

He speaks, “Walks in my ways and you will flourish.”

I thank you, Lord, that you are trust-worthy and a part from you I have nothing good.

I will choose to trust you and take root in the present soil.

I will praise you throughout the journey and during the growing seasons.

I will grow where you plant me; I do not know where else could be a better place.

Lord, help me to follow your path and not be distracted by the things that do not matter. I love you. Thank you for delighting in me.


Parker’s First Birthday

Our family celebrated little Parker’s first birthday this month!

I cannot believe my sweet baby is a walking, gappy teeth toddler.

I have brought this up before, but I absolutely love the “deeper things” in life. One of those deeper things I like to remember is the meaning behind names and words.

Not only did I love the name Parker, when Brady and I were picking a name for our son, but I absolutely loved that Parker meant “Light”; And that is exactly what he is.

There is not one place we go that Parker isn’t the center of attention. People are drawn to him. He always has the biggest grin and loves to wave “hi” at everyone he sees. He laughs, he snuggles, he plays peek-a-boo whether we are trying to play it with him or not. If there has ever been a sweet and joyful child, it is my little boy, Parker. He has been a light to our family and a blessing to this momma heart.

He is a cool little dude, you can find him swaying his little body and finding the beat to a song when it comes on. He is crazy about music! I am convinced that he is going to be a drummer.


Sweet little Parker, if one day you are looking back and reading this, please know that your dadda and I absolutely adore you. You are our answered prayer, our little miracle and our joy baby. You shine so bright and we know that you are and are going to be something special!

Never stop shining, my son.


Momma Bear

In The Morning

In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice;
In the morning I will prepare (a prayer and a sacrifice) for you and watch and wait (for you to speak to my heart.) – Psalm 5:3 (AMP)

I’m starting over. Again. It is way too easy for my priorities to fade away, to keep getting pushed further away until they are but a resemblance of what I once knew.  Lord, I need you to speak to my heart.

I have been a pseudo happy, lacking the joy that I know can only be found in you.
I have been living moment by moment, hoping that my morning coffee and my daily verse can get me through another day of the grind of life. But it can’t. It’s not enough.

Every single morning, I need you first.

Have I set time aside, prioritizing us? You and me.
Have I awoken with an aching desire to be with you; to speak with you and lay before you my cares and affections?
Have I offered a sacrifice of my precious time, a devoted moment where there are no distractions?
Have I watched and waited, for your voice? Have I eagerly paused for you to speak to my heart?

When is it your turn?

You cannot be replaced. Your words cannot be matched by the mumbling of the world.

But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.”- Psalm 59:16

That is why, each morning, I need you. It’s refreshing, it’s a new aspect of you that I’m learning, because you are so exquisite.

Exquisite- of special beauty or charm, or rare and appealing excellence.

I need you to be my one and only. My first and my last.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, their faces shall never be ashamed.”- Psalm 34:4-5

When I try to be beautiful on my own, I fail.
When I try to be radiant on my own, it doesn’t last.
I cannot be the wife, mom, business owner, and friend that I desire to be on my own.

I can surely try, but it leaves me exhausted.

What is the quality am I giving out if what is inside of me is lacking?

It’s His peace that transcends understanding, it’s the Joy found in him, it’s love deeply rooted.

If I have those things, if I have Jesus, alive and active in me (not living off of an old word and a stagnant relationship) then I will be radiant, because He will shine through me.

And that’s exactly what I need; Less of me and more of Him.

Make time this week to sit and pour out your heart before Him. Wait and see what He speaks to your heart. Write it down, dwell on it, and begin to live it out. 


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