I heard a whisper,  “FULLY LOADED”.

What exactly does that mean?

It sounds powerful, it sounds ready.

It sounds as if there’s no empty space inside and no detail unattended. 

Fully equipped. Fully stocked. Like a powerful weapon. A gun.

When it’s fully loaded, it’s ready for battle.

 When it’s empty, it’s nothing more than great power gone to wastecompletely useless.

The time has come to WATCH and PRAY.

and prayer is an ammunition unlike any other.

The Lord is calling us to wake up, rise up and get filled up.

Living a lifestyle of prayer will change you and equip you.

Are you ready to live your life fully loaded;  ready to be shot out with power and accuracy?

Then pray: 

Lord, fill me up with your anointing.  Let your Word be stored up in my heart that I may be ready and fully equipped on the day you are ready  to fire me into the world.

I don’t want to miss the target when my trigger is pulled because there was no ammunition found inside.

I refuse to be great potential found lacking, but dangerous in the right hands.

Fill me up, Lord.


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